C and C++ Programming

C is a powerful system programming language, and C++ is an excellent general purpose programming language with modern bells and whistles. When I was teaching C, there were always a few students who came into the class knowing a bit about programming. Inevitably, some of these students did great in the first few weeks only to fall further and further behind as the course went on. Why? They went too fast through the introductory part of the course, thinking they knew it all–but they rarely did. They knew some of the material, but not enough to have a strong grasp of the fundamentals. At the same time, you must not stop making progress–you can go too slow as well as too fast. Don’t avoid a topic after you’ve mastered everything leading up to it. By facing more challenging ideas, you’ll help cement your grasp of the basics.

Addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of two numbers in c programming

Addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of two numbers in c programming In this post we will show you how to Addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of two numbers in c programming. flowing code will help you to perform program. // include header file # include <stdio.h> # include <conio.h> // main function void main() { …

Addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of two numbers in c programming Read More »

c programming – Swap two variable without using 3rd variable

c programming – Swap two variable without using 3rd variable In this post we will show you how to Swap two variable without using 3rd variable in c programming. flowing code will help you to perform program. For Swap two variable without using 3rd variable we use this method :: a=a+b; b=a-b; a=a-b; // include …

c programming – Swap two variable without using 3rd variable Read More »

c programming for Generate mark sheet of students and class

c programming for Generate mark sheet of students and class In this post we will show you how to generate mark-sheet of students and class in c programming. flowing code will help you to perform program. hear we calculate result result using 5 subject and calculate percentage of students and assign class to student. // …

c programming for Generate mark sheet of students and class Read More »

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