Websocket Server in Node.js – onlinecode
In this post, we will give you information about Websocket Server in Node.js – onlinecode. Here we will give you detail about Websocket Server in Node.js – onlinecode And how to use it also give you a demo for it if it is necessary.
Websockets are a tool for bidirectional communication between a browser client and a server. What makes websockets special is that they enable the server to push data to the client.
Here’s how you can start a websocket server in Node.js.
Using ws
The ws
npm package is the de facto WebSocket library for Node.js. The ws package also includes a websocket client, which is
useful for testing.
Below is a basic example of a WebSocket server that tracks all open sockets and sends inbound messages to all open sockets. You can think of this as a simple chat server: when one person sends a message, the server broadcasts the message to everyone listening.
const WebSocket = require('ws');
const server = new WebSocket.Server({
port: 8080
let sockets = [];
server.on('connection', function(socket) {
// When you receive a message, send that message to every socket.
socket.on('message', function(msg) {
sockets.forEach(s => s.send(msg));
// When a socket closes, or disconnects, remove it from the array.
socket.on('close', function() {
sockets = sockets.filter(s => s !== socket);
Using ws and Express
The above ws server has to have its own port: it can’t listen on the same port
as an Express server. However, you can handle websockets from Express using ws by listening to the Express HTTP server’s ‘upgrade’ event
as described in ws’ docs.
const express = require('express');
const ws = require('ws');
const app = express();
// Set up a headless websocket server that prints any
// events that come in.
const wsServer = new ws.Server({ noServer: true });
wsServer.on('connection', socket => {
socket.on('message', message => console.log(message));
// 'server' is a vanilla Node.js HTTP server, so use
// the same ws upgrade process described here:
// https://www.npmjs.com/package/ws#multiple-servers-sharing-a-single-https-server
const server = app.listen(3000);
server.on('upgrade', (request, socket, head) => {
wsServer.handleUpgrade(request, socket, head, socket => {
wsServer.emit('connection', socket, request);
Node.js is an open-source, cross-platform JavaScript runtime environment. Node.js allows you to run JavaScript code outside of a web browser. This makes it possible to create a wide variety of applications, including web servers, real-time chat applications, and data processing pipelines.
Node.js is built on top of the V8 JavaScript engine, which is also used by Google Chrome. This means that Node.js applications can take advantage of the same performance and features as Chrome.
Node.js is a popular choice for building web servers. This is because Node.js is very efficient at handling concurrent requests. Node.js uses a non-blocking event loop to handle requests, which means that it can handle multiple requests at the same time without slowing down.
Node.js is also a good choice for building real-time chat applications. This is because Node.js is able to push data to clients in real time without the need for polling. This makes it possible to create a smooth and responsive user experience.
Node.js is a powerful tool that can be used to create a wide variety of applications. If you are looking for a JavaScript runtime environment that is fast, scalable, and efficient, then Node.js is a great choice.
Here are some of the benefits of using Node.js:
- Performance: Node.js is very efficient at handling concurrent requests. This makes it a good choice for building web servers and real-time chat applications.
- Scalability: Node.js is designed to scale horizontally. This means that you can add more nodes to your cluster to handle more traffic.
- Efficiency: Node.js uses a non-blocking event loop to handle requests. This makes it possible to handle multiple requests at the same time without slowing down.
- Community: Node.js has a large and active community. This means that there are many resources available to help you learn and use Node.js.
Hope this code and post will helped you for implement Websocket Server in Node.js – onlinecode. if you need any help or any feedback give it in comment section or you have good idea about this post you can give it comment section. Your comment will help us for help you more and improve us. we will give you this type of more interesting post in featured also so, For more interesting post and code Keep reading our blogs