vuex tutorial – Vuex Building Notes App

vuex tutorial – Vuex Building Notes App

In this post we will show you vuex tutorial – Vuex Building Notes App, hear for vuex tutorial – Vuex Building Notes App we will give you demo and example for implement.

vuex tutorial - Vuex Building Notes App
vuex tutorial – Vuex Building Notes App

Read More About Vuex Tutorial Demo vuex tutorial Download

In this vuex instructional exercise we’ll be figuring out how to utilize Vuex in our VueJs extends by building a notes application. We’ll quickly go over what Vuex is, when to utilize it, and how to structure your venture for use with a Vuex application. We will then apply those ideas to the notes application we’re building, well ordered in vuex instructional exercise.

Here’s a screenshot of the notes application we’ll be building:

VUEX TUTORIAL - NgTableTree - Angular Table Tree
VUEX TUTORIAL – NgTableTree – Angular Table Tree

ou can download the finished code from the GitHub Repo. Likewise make certain to look at the demo to have a thought of what we’ll be working all through this vuex instructional exercise.

Overview of Vuex and vuex tutorial

Before we bounce into building the notes application immediately, I need to take several minutes to go over a portion of the center ideas of Vuex(vuex instructional exercise). (I’ll endeavor to avoid all the favor trendy expressions, however when I do utilize any, I’ll make certain to clarify them)

Vuex is a library that upholds a Flux-like application engineering to enable you to construct medium-to-huge scale SPAs (Single Page Applications). It gives you an approach to structure those applications and deal with their state in a viable and simple to-reason-about way.

The word state may appear to be equivocal the first occasion when you hear it, so essentially, consider state just information you use in your Vue applications. Nonetheless, Vuex makes a qualification between component neighborhood state and application level state:

  • application level state: express that is utilized by more than one component
  • component neighborhood state: express that is utilized by just a single segment (think about the information choice you go to a Vue component)

So to place this into setting: say you have a parent segment and this parent has 2 youngster segments. The parent can without much of a stretch send information to the youngster segments utilizing props, so we have that channel of correspondence secured.

Presently shouldn’t something be said about when the 2 kin need to speak with each other in light of the fact that they both need a similar bit of information. Or, on the other hand when a kid needs to pass information to its parent? This shouldn’t be too hard when your application is little since you can escape with utilizing shared occasion producers to convey amongst parent and kid.

Be that as it may, as your application develops:

  • The guardians turn out to be all the more firmly coupled to their youngsters since they need to expressly dispatch and tune in to certain events
  • Keeping track of every one of these occasions winds up noticeably troublesome. Which part is setting off the occasion? Who is listening?
  • The business rationale is spread crosswise over a wide range of segments rather than being brought together – prompting unintended side-effects

These are a portion of the issues Vuex tackles. The 4 center ideas driving the Vuex framework are:

  • Actions: capacities called by the Vue parts to dispatch the mutations
  • Getters: utilized get to information in the store from inside our Vue components
  • Mutators: occasion handlers that control the state
  • The State Tree: a question that contains all the application level state

In the event that you don’t completely comprehend what those 4 terms mean, don’t stress! We’ll be experiencing them in more detail as we construct our application.

The accompanying chart makes an extraordinary showing with regards to with delineating the way information streams in a Vuex application (from the Vuex docs/vuex instructional exercise):

vuex tutorial- structure
vuex tutorial- structure

Some critical things to note about this outline:
  • Actions are utilized to dispatch mutations
  • The information stream is unidirectional
  • The store is receptive – at whatever point the state is refreshed, the segments will mirror those changes
  • Components can call actions
  • Only transformations can change the state (parts can’t/shouldn’t transform the state directly)

Setting Up the Project

Since we have a portion of the fundamental Vuex ideas secured, we should set up the venture registry structure which will resemble this when we’re set:

VUEX TUTORIAL - vuex project directory structure
VUEX TUTORIAL – vuex project directory structure
  • build.js is the yield package from Webpack
  • components/will contain our VueJs parts which we will be working in the later sections
  • vuex/contains the documents identified with our Vuex store (state protest, activities, mutators)
  • main.js is the section point for our application which contains the root Vue instance
  • index.html is the page we will incorporate our root Vue part and Webpack package in
  • webpack.config.js contains the Webpack design which we will dismember in a minute
  • styles.css has some essential CSS to give our application some life

Simply ahead and make a vacant catalog, compact disc into it, and instate a package.json:

mkdir vuex-notes-app && cd vuex-notes-app
npm init -y

Now let’s install all our dependencies starting off with our dev-dependencies for Webpack + vue-loader:

npm install\
webpack webpack-dev-server\
vue-loader vue-html-loader css-loader vue-style-loader vue-hot-reload-api\
babel-loader babel-core babel-plugin-transform-runtime babel-preset-es2015\

and install Vue and Vuex:

npm install vue vuex --save

With all the dependencies installed we can configure Webpack. Go ahead and create the webpack.config.js in the root of our project directory which will look like so:

module.exports = {
  entry: './main.js',
  output: {
    path: __dirname,
    filename: 'build.js'
  module: {
    loaders: [
        test: /\.js$/,
        loader: 'babel',
        exclude: /node_modules/
        test: /\.vue$/,
        loader: 'vue'
  babel: {
    presets: ['es2015'],
    plugins: ['transform-runtime']

How about we rapidly separate what some of these Webpack setups mean. We’re determining the passage point to main.js which will contain our root Vue example. From that point Webpack will navigate every one of our imports and deal with settling the conditions for us. Once the venture has been packaged, Webpack will release the packaged code to the build.js record we found in the registry structure above. That is essentially all the yield choice is stating.

Presently onto the standard loaders which essentially guide Webpack when it experiences a particular sort of record. For our situation we need to run 2 loaders: the vue-loader for dealing with the .vue records and the babel-loader to change the ES2015 code we compose into ES5 code comprehended by the programs.

At last we arrange babel to utilize the es2015-preset which we introduced before since we will be composing code in ES2015.

The last stride is to alter the NPM contents so we can run Webpack dev server with HMR (Hot Module Replacement) and have the capacity to package and minify the code for generation. Refresh the contents protest in the package.json to resemble this:

"scripts": {
  "dev": "webpack-dev-server --inline --hot",
  "build": "webpack -p"

Presently we can run the dev server with npm run dev and we can package and minify the application with npm run manufacture.

Creating the Vuex Store

In this segment we will be investigating the Vuex store that we’ll be making for our notes application. The store demonstrations like a compartment for our application’s state so how about we begin off with the fundamental skeleton of what our store will resemble. Make a store.js record in the vuex/organizer:

// store.js

import Vue from 'vue'
import Vuex from 'vuex'


// the root, initial state object
const state = {
  notes: [],
  activeNote: {}

// define the possible mutations that can be applied to our state
const mutations = {


// create the Vuex instance by combining the state and mutations objects
// then export the Vuex store for use by our components
export default new Vuex.Store({

It’s constantly suggested (and great practice) to introduce the state.

I’ll experience the skeleton above and clarify it with regards to our notes application. Here’s a visual breakdown of our parts (which we will execute in the following area):

VUEX TUTORIAL - vuex notes app components
VUEX TUTORIAL – vuex notes app components
vuex tutorial - vuex notes app components
vuex tutorial – vuex notes app components
  • NotesList is the purple box which contains the rundown of notes that a client can choose from. It additionally enables the client to flip between every one of their notes and simply the ones they’ve starred
  • App, the root Vue part, is the external red box
  • Toolbar is the green box to one side with the include, top choice, and erase buttons
  • Editor is the yellow box to the correct which will show the chose note’s contents

The state protest in store.js will contain the application level state, which on the off chance that you review from the past segment, is any express that is shared between different parts.

The rundown of (notes: []) holds our notes protests that the NotesList segment will render. The dynamic note (activeNote: {}) will hold the at present chose note protest which numerous parts should know about:

  • The NotesList segment to feature the chose note in the rundown by controlling the CSS
  • The Editor segment to show the dynamic notes content
  • The Toolbar segment to star and erase the as of now chose note

Proceeding onward to the changes question. Consider transformations the main means by which you can adjust the state. The mutators we will be actualizing for our notes application are:

  • toggling between top choice/unfavorite for the dynamic note
  • adding a note to our notes exhibit (state.notes)
  • editing the dynamic note
  • setting the dynamic note (state.activeNote) to the one chose by the client from the rundown of notes
  • deleting the dynamic note

Keep in mind, segments can’t change the state specifically, they should call an activity which dispatches a transformation. So, how about we simply ahead and actualize the fundamental mutators recorded previously.

Mutators dependably get the state tree as the main contention took after by any number of extra contentions you wish to go to it, alluded to as payload contentions.

At the point when a client needs to include another note, we need to:

  • initialize its properties
  • create another object
  • set the activeNote to the new note we just created
  • push it to the notes array
ADD_NOTE (state) {
  const newNote = {
    text: 'New note',
    favorite: false
  // only mutators can mutate the state
  state.activeNote = newNote

It’s tradition to compose mutators in capitalized to help recognize them from plain capacities.

Altering a note takes in the content that the client enters and updates the right now dynamic note’s content to the content got as a payload:

EDIT_NOTE (state, text) {
  state.activeNote.text = text

As should be obvious, our mutators are somewhat basic and there isn’t much to them. The key thing to detract from this is any alterations to the state must be made in a mutator and a change is dispatched by an activity.

The rest of the mutators are very straight forward so I’ll abstain from clarifying every last one of them since they all take after a similar fundamental thought above. Our whole vuex/store.js document should look like so:

import Vue from 'vue'
import Vuex from 'vuex'


const state = {
  notes: [],
  activeNote: {}

const mutations = {
  ADD_NOTE (state) {
    const newNote = {
      text: 'New note',
      favorite: false
    state.activeNote = newNote

  EDIT_NOTE (state, text) {
    state.activeNote.text = text

  DELETE_NOTE (state) {
    state.activeNote = state.notes[0]

    state.activeNote.favorite = !state.activeNote.favorite

  SET_ACTIVE_NOTE (state, note) {
    state.activeNote = note

export default new Vuex.Store({

Activities are simply works that can be called by our parts to dispatch transformations. They get the store as the principal contention took after by any number of extra contentions.

For example, when a client taps on the include catch in the Toolbar segment, we need to call an activity to dispatch the ADD_NOTE change. We should make a document called actions.js in the vuex/index where we can make an addNote capacity to dispatch this transformation:

export const addNote = ({ dispatch }) => {

We’re using ES2015 argument destructuring which you may or may not be familiar with. Alternatively, the above code can be written like so:

export const addNote = function (store) {
  var dispatch = store.dispatch

I’d urge you to get acquainted with ES2015, in case you’re not as of now, as it enables you to compose considerably more exquisite code once you get the hang of it.

The addNote activity is very basic and everything it does is dispatch the ADD_NOTE transformation. We would now be able to import the vuex/actions.js record in any part document and call activities to dispatch transformations.

You might be pondering, why try calling an activity to dispatch a change? Why don’t we simply call the change from inside the part? The primary purpose behind this is transformations must be synchronous, though activities can be offbeat. What this fundamentally implies is: whether you need to make any AJAX asks for, for example, you would need to make them in the activities and not the changes. The Vuex docs give an incredible case of why transformations must be synchronous while activities can be offbeat.

The rest of the activities take after a similar rationale and the whole actions.js record will look like so:

export const addNote = ({ dispatch }) => {

export const editNote = ({ dispatch }, e) => {

export const deleteNote = ({ dispatch }) => {

export const updateActiveNote = ({ dispatch }, note) => {
  dispatch('SET_ACTIVE_NOTE', note)

export const toggleFavorite = ({ dispatch }) => {

That entireties it up for all we’ll be expecting to do in our vuex/catalog. We’ve effectively figured out how to make the store.js record which will hold our state question and mutators. We additionally made actions.js which contained some basic capacities to dispatch transformations.

Building the Vue Components

In this last area we’ll be executing the 4 parts (App, Toolbar, NotesList, and Editor) and figuring out how to utilize the Vuex store from inside these segments to recover information and call the activities we made. Similarly as an indication of the segment breakdown, here’s the graph once more:

VUEX TUTORIAL - vuex notes app components
VUEX TUTORIAL – vuex notes app components

Making the Root Instance – main.js

main.js will be our root Vue occasion and the passage point for our application. Therefore we will import our Vuex store here and infuse it to every one of it’s kids:

// main.js

import Vue from 'vue'
import store from './vuex/store'
import App from './components/App.vue'

new Vue({
  store, // inject store to all children
  el: 'body',
  components: { App }

We are additionally bringing in the root Vue part called App which we will be making next.

Application – The Root Component

The root App part will be bringing in and consolidating the other 3 segments: Toolbar, NotesList, and Editor. To place this into code, our parts/App.vue record will look like so:

  <div id="app">

import Toolbar from './Toolbar.vue'
import NotesList from './NotesList.vue'
import Editor from './Editor.vue'

export default {
  components: {

We can incorporate the App part in the index.html record alongside the package from Webpack, Bootstrap for some fundamental styling, and the styles.css for our application which you can get here:

<!-- index.html -->

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <title>Notes |</title>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="">
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="styles.css">
    <script src="build.js"></script>


The Toolbar segment gives the clients 3 choices: make another note, top choice/unfavorite the presently chose note, and erase the as of now chose note.

vuex tutorial - toolbar component
vuex tutorial – toolbar component

This is an awesome utilize case for Vuex in light of the fact that the Toolbar segment has to know which note is right now chose from the rundown of notes so we can erase and top pick/unfavorite the chose note. However the as of now chose note is in it’s own particular segment, NotesList.

This is the place the activeNote property in our state protest proves to be useful. At whatever point the client taps on a note in the rundown, the NotesList part will call the updateActiveNote() activity to dispatch the SET_ACTIVE_NOTE transformation with the recently chose note as the payload. The mutator will, thus, refresh the activeNote property in the state protest point to the chose note.

So, the Toolbar segment needs to get the activeNote property from the state.

To get to a Vuex store property from inside a part, we pass the vuex: {} choice to the segment with a getters protest. A state getter takes the state as the principal parameter and ties the arrival incentive to the segment so you could get to it similarly as you would with any information property characterized on the part.

vuex: {
  getters: {
    activeNote: state => state.activeNote

We also want to make it so that whenever a user clicks on any of the 3 buttons, we call the appropriate action. To do this we import actions.js and define them in the vuex.actions option:

import { addNote, deleteNote, toggleFavorite } from '../vuex/actions'

export default {
  vuex: {
    getters: {
      activeNote: state => state.activeNote
    actions: {

This will tie the activities to the segment’s store case and enable us to call the addNote, deleteNote, and toggleFavorite strategies a similar way we would call part occasion techniques. Assembling this every one of our segments/Toolbar.vue document will look like so:

  <div id="toolbar">
    <i @click="addNote" class="glyphicon glyphicon-plus"></i>
    <i @click="toggleFavorite"
      class="glyphicon glyphicon-star"
      :class="{starred: activeNote.favorite}"></i>
    <i @click="deleteNote" class="glyphicon glyphicon-remove"></i>

import { addNote, deleteNote, toggleFavorite } from '../vuex/actions'

export default {
  vuex: {
    getters: {
      activeNote: state => state.activeNote
    actions: {

As should be obvious, we’re calling the addNote() activity a similar way we would call a segment’s strategy:


<i @click="addNote" class="glyphicon glyphicon-plus"></i> 

For the most loved catch, we have a touch of extra rationale. We need to add the featured class to the catch if the chose note is favorited. This will essentially give the symbol a yellow shading which will fill in as a visual signal to the client that the note is in their top picks, similar to so:

vuex tutorial - toolbar component
vuex tutorial – toolbar component


The NotesList part has 3 fundamental parts:

  1. Rendering the notes as a list
  2. Allowing the client to channel the notes to demonstrate all them or simply the favorites
  3. Calling the updateActiveNote activity to refresh the activeNote in the store when the client chooses a note from the list

From the above necessities we can see that we’ll require both the notes cluster and the activeNote question from the store.

We should simply ahead and characterize the state getters for them:

vuex: {
  getters: {
    notes: state => state.notes,
    activeNote: state => state.activeNote

The Vuex store is reactive so whenever the store updates, the components will be updated accordingly as well.

To call the updateActiveNote action when a user selects a note from the list (requirement 3), we will need to import the actions.js and define the updateActiveNote action in the vuex.actions option:

import { updateActiveNote } from '../vuex/actions'

export default {
  vuex: {
    getters: {
      notes: state => state.notes,
      activeNote: state => state.activeNote
    actions: {

Next, let’s create a computed property that will return a list of filtered notes based on whether the user has selected ‘All Notes’ or ‘Favorites’:

import { updateActiveNote } from '../vuex/actions'

export default {
  data () {
    return {
      show: 'all'
  vuex: {
    getters: {
      notes: state => state.notes,
      activeNote: state => state.activeNote
    actions: {
  computed: {
    filteredNotes () {
      if ( === 'all'){
        return this.notes
      } else if ( === 'favorites') {
        return this.notes.filter(note => note.favorite)

The show property in the information choice is alluded to as segment neighborhood state since it is just utilized inside the NotesList part. We will utilize demonstrate property to flip amongst “all” and “top picks” when a client taps on the catches which will bring about the figured property restoring the fitting arrangement of notes.

The entire NotesList.vue segment looks like so:

  <div id="notes-list">

    <div id="list-header">
      <h2>Notes | coligo</h2>
      <div class="btn-group btn-group-justified" role="group">
        <!-- All Notes button -->
        <div class="btn-group" role="group">
          <button type="button" class="btn btn-default"
            @click="show = 'all'"
            :class="{active: show === 'all'}">
            All Notes
        <!-- Favorites Button -->
        <div class="btn-group" role="group">
          <button type="button" class="btn btn-default"
            @click="show = 'favorites'"
            :class="{active: show === 'favorites'}">
    <!-- render notes in a list -->
    <div class="container">
      <div class="list-group">
        <a v-for="note in filteredNotes"
          class="list-group-item" href="#"
          :class="{active: activeNote === note}"
          <h4 class="list-group-item-heading">
            {{note.text.trim().substring(0, 30)}}


import { updateActiveNote } from '../vuex/actions'

export default {
  data () {
    return {
      show: 'all'
  vuex: {
    getters: {
      notes: state => state.notes,
      activeNote: state => state.activeNote
    actions: {
  computed: {
    filteredNotes () {
      if ( === 'all'){
        return this.notes
      } else if ( === 'favorites') {
        return this.notes.filter(note => note.favorite)

A few fascinating things to note about the format:

  • We are utilizing the initial 30 characters as the note’s title in the rundown: note.text.trim().substring(0, 30)
  • We utilize the :class=”” ties to add the Bootstrap dynamic class to the right now chose thing in the rundown and to the as of now chose channel (‘All Notes’ or ‘Favorites’).
  • Simple click handlers are utilized to set the show property to “all” or “top choice” when a channel catch is clicked
  • When a client taps on a note, the note is passed to the updateActiveNote(note) activity to dispatch the SET_ACTIVE_NOTE change with the new note as a payload

Editorial manager

The Editor part is the most basic one. It just does 2 things:

  • It calls the editNote() activity at whatever point the client refreshes the note
  • It snatches the at present activeNote from the store and shows it in a <textarea>

To do this we should characterize a getter and an activity in our segment’s vuex alternative:

import { editNote } from '../vuex/actions'

export default {
  vuex: {
    getters: {
      activeNoteText: state => state.activeNote.text
    actions: {

We can now bind the value of the <textarea>to the activeNoteText from the store and register the editNote action as the event handler that will be triggered on any input event by the user:

<div id="note-editor">

You might be wondering why we can’t just use the v-model directive. If we did apply the v-model directive like so:

<textarea v-model="activeNoteText" class="form-control"></textarea>

at that point the v-model will endeavor to straightforwardly transform the activeNote from inside the part which conflicts with calling activities to dispatch transformations, making it express and trackable. Likewise, in the event that you are utilizing strict mode, this will cause a mistake.

All things considered, the v-display order is simply language structure sugar for an :esteem authoritative and @input occasion handler.

This is what the finished segments/Editor.vue record resembles:

  <div id="note-editor">

import { editNote } from '../vuex/actions'

export default {
  vuex: {
    getters: {
      activeNoteText: state => state.activeNote.text
    actions: {


That wholes it up for this vuex instructional exercise! we trust this down to earth prologue to Vuex will enable you to incorporate it into your next VueJs extend. we’d get a kick out of the chance to repeat that Vuex is adapted towards medium-to-extensive scale SPAs so we don’t prescribe that you toss it at each application you make since it might bring about more unpredictability than you at first had.

we’d urge you to download the finished code, on the off chance that you haven’t as of now, and peruse through it at your own pace to perceive how things fit together.

Hope this code and post will helped you for implement vuex tutorial – Vuex Building Notes App. if you need any help or any feedback give it in comment section or you have good idea about this post you can give it comment section. Your comment will help us for help you more and improve onlincode. we will give you this type of more interesting post in featured also so, For more interesting post and code Keep reading our blogs
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