PHP Laravel 5.7 – Create Admin Panel Example

PHP Laravel 5.7 – Create Admin Panel Example

In this post we will give you information about PHP Laravel 5.7 – Create Admin Panel Example. Hear we will give you detail about PHP Laravel 5.7 – Create Admin Panel ExampleAnd how to use it also give you demo for it if it is necessary.

Today’s topic, how to create admin panel with role and permission in php laravel 5.7 application. In this tutorial i will give you some steps to create quickly admin panel from github using laravel 5.7. we can simply create free admin panel using vue, jwt, api, laravel 5.7.

It would be great if you found any good github package for admin panel using laravel. Admin panel will provide very basic requirement like back end theme integrated, user management, permission module, setting page, faq management, create simple pages and crud generator. It will help to make better progress with your project and give a basic environment.

In this tutorial, we will use viralsolani/laravel-adminpanel gihub open source package. they provide such a great module like Access Management, Module, pages, settings, blog management, faq management and vue js setup for frontend. So you have to just follow few step and you can get simple and nice backend admin panel. it is very easy to customize. i attach screenshot of admin so you can check it.


Install Admin Panel:

clone admin panel from github using bellow command:

git clone

Copy env file and make your local configuration:

cd laravel-adminpanel

cp .env.example .env

Composer install by following command:

composer install

Make NPM configuration for sass and vue js:

npm install

npm run development

Link to storage folder with public:

php artisan storage:link

Generate Laravel key and JWT key:

php artisan key:generate

php artisan jwt:secret

Publish admin panel migrations, model etc:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=lfm_public

Run migration and seeder for dummy records:

php artisan migrate

php artisan db:seed

Now you can run your project with server command:

php artisan serve

Then you can use following details for login:

Also see:Laravel 5.7 – New Notification System Tutorial for Beginner


Password: 1234


Password: 1234


Password: 1234

You can get more information from here: laravel-adminpanel.

I hope it can help you…

Hope this code and post will helped you for implement PHP Laravel 5.7 – Create Admin Panel Example. if you need any help or any feedback give it in comment section or you have good idea about this post you can give it comment section. Your comment will help us for help you more and improve us. we will give you this type of more interesting post in featured also so, For more interesting post and code Keep reading our blogs

For More Info See :: laravel And github

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