run sql query without using model in magento2

This post is use for run sql query without using model in magento2. bY using this code we can get result execute query for create, read, update and delete.

// object manager Instance
$object_Manager = \Magento\Framework\App\ObjectManager::getInstance();
$get_resource   = $object_Manager->get('Magento\Framework\App\ResourceConnection');
$connection     = $get_resource->getConnection(); // get connection

// gives table name with prefix
$your_table_name = $get_resource->getTableName('employee'); // add your table Name

// Select Data from table in Magento2
$select_sql = "Select * FROM " . $your_table_name;
$result_query = $db_connection->fetchAll($select_sql);
foreach( $result_query as $key => $values )
// and table fields as key in array.
echo "key as fields => ".$key." \n ";
// it will gives associated array
echo "values of Query => ".$values." \n ";

Magento2 : Custom Select Query

// Select Data from table in Magento2
$select_sql = "Select * FROM " . $your_table_name;
$result_query = $db_connection->fetchAll($select_sql);
foreach( $result_query as $key => $values )
// and table fields as key in array.
echo "key as fields => ".$key." \n ";
// it will gives associated array
echo "values of Query => ".$values." \n ";

Magento2 : Custom Delete Query

// Delete Data from table in Magento2
$delete_sql = "Delete FROM " . $your_table_name." Where user_id = 116";

Magento2 : Custom Insert Query

// Insert Data into table in Magento2
$insert_sql = "Insert Into " . $your_table_name . " (user_id,ser_name, ser_code, ser_salary) Values ('','TeSt','TeSt20','99999')";

Magento2 : Custom Update Query

// Update Data into table in Magento2
$update_sql = "Update " . $your_table_name . "Set user_salary = 989898 where euser_id = 116";

Magento2 : All SQl Query

// object manager Instance
$object_Manager = \Magento\Framework\App\ObjectManager::getInstance();
$get_resource   = $object_Manager->get('Magento\Framework\App\ResourceConnection');
$connection     = $get_resource->getConnection(); // get connection

// gives table name with prefix
$your_table_name = $get_resource->getTableName('employee');
// add your table Name

// Select Data from table in Magento 2
$select_sql = "Select * FROM " . $your_table_name;
$result_query = $db_connection->fetchAll($select_sql);

foreach( $result_query as $key => $values )
// and table fields as key in array.
echo "key as fields => ".$key." \n ";
// it will gives associated array
echo "values of Query => ".$values." \n ";

// Delete Data from table in Magento 2
$delete_sql = "Delete FROM " . $your_table_name." Where user_id = 116";

// Insert Data into table in Magento 2
$insert_sql = "Insert Into " . $your_table_name . " (user_id,ser_name, ser_code, ser_salary) Values ('','TeSt','TeSt20','99999')";

// Update Data into table in Magento 2
$update_sql = "Update " . $your_table_name . "Set user_salary = 989898 where euser_id = 116";

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