Laravel 5 – create quick backend admin panel tutorial

Laravel 5 – create quick backend admin panel tutorial

In this post we will give you information about Laravel 5 – create quick backend admin panel tutorial. Hear we will give you detail about Laravel 5 – create quick backend admin panel tutorialAnd how to use it also give you demo for it if it is necessary.

Today, I am going to share with you How to create admin panel in Laravel 5 Application. In this tutorial we will create quick simple back-end admin panel using voyager package.

We always require to create admin area for every website. Admin Panel keep dynamic our website. Admin Panel through admin user can handle website dynamically like change title, meta-data, posts and etc other modules. So If you are working on Laravel framework and you require to create quick admin panel then you can do it using voyager package. voyager package through we can make quick back-end in our Laravel 5. This package also support Laravel 5.0, Laravel 5.1, Laravel 5.2 and also current Laravel 5.3.

Today we will implement voyager package in Laravel 5.3 version from scratch. voyager package provide us there are several functionality like as bellow:

1.Media Manager

2.Menu Builder

3.Database Manager

4.CRUD Builder

5.Setting Module

voyager package also provide several functionality, So In this tutorial we will implement admin panel only in six step, You have to just follow six step and you will find admin panel like as bellow screen shot, I also added more on bellow of tutorial:


Step 1 : Install Laravel Application

This tutorial is from scratch, So we require to get fresh Laravel application using bellow command, So open your terminal OR command prompt and run bellow command:

composer create-project --prefer-dist laravel/laravel blog

Step 2 : Install voyager Package

Ok, now on second step we require to get voyager package using composer command, In this package through we can generate quick admin panel, So run bellow command:

composer require tcg/voyager

Step 3 : Database Configuration

In third step, we require to make database configuration, you have to add following details on your .env file.

1.Database Username

1.Database Password

1.Database Name

In .env file also available host and port details, you can configure all details as in your system, So you can put like as bellow:






Step 4 : Add ServiceProvider

Ok, now we require to add service provider On app.php file, We have to add two serviceprovider, one for voyager and second for intervention image, So let’s add both service provider on app.php file:



'providers' => [






Step 5 : Install Voyager

Now, we will install Voyager in our application, After installation we have several defaults table and also they will create one admin user, So run bellow command for install Voyager:

php artisan voyager:install

Step 6 : Make Setting File

this step is optional but it’s require if you want to customize your laravel application, In this step you have to run bellow command and you will find new file config/voyager.php for customize changes.

So, let’s run bellow command:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=voyager_assets --force

Ok, So finally we are ready to run our admin panel, So let’s run bellow command for quick run laravel project:

php artisan serve

Ok, now open you browser and open bellow link:


You will have default email and password as listed bellow:

Also see:PHP – autocomplete websites with domain and logo using clearbit API


password: password

Ok, you can see also there are more screen shot of admin panel here:

You can also see video for how to install voyager package here:


You can get more information about voyager package from here : voyager site.

I hope it can help you….

Hope this code and post will helped you for implement Laravel 5 – create quick backend admin panel tutorial. if you need any help or any feedback give it in comment section or you have good idea about this post you can give it comment section. Your comment will help us for help you more and improve us. we will give you this type of more interesting post in featured also so, For more interesting post and code Keep reading our blogs

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