Laravel 5.6 – Dynamic Ajax Autocomplete using Vue.js

Laravel 5.6 – Dynamic Ajax Autocomplete using Vue.js

In this post we will give you information about Laravel 5.6 – Dynamic Ajax Autocomplete using Vue.js. Hear we will give you detail about Laravel 5.6 – Dynamic Ajax Autocomplete using Vue.jsAnd how to use it also give you demo for it if it is necessary.

Today, we are going to learn ajax live search and autocomplete using vue js components in laravel 5.6 application. here we will create simple and nice example of autocomplete in vue.js using laravel api. we will use axios for getting records in vue js, so just follow this tutorial and get full example.

As we know everybody is familiar with the concept of Ajax Live Search or Autocomplete for search. If you search on google, youtube or any other famous website, we can see like search with autocomplete. there are also available tools for autocomplete like jquery ui and Typeahead etc, but if you are working with vue js then you can do it quick and as you want to make it.

So basically you need to follow below step and get all step done. You will see autocomplete. You can also check demo i added link at last of tutorial.


Step 1: Create tags Table and Model

in first step, we are going to create autocomplete with tags. so we have to create migration for “tags” table using Laravel 5.6 php artisan command, so first fire bellow command:

php artisan make:migration create_tags_table --create=tags

After this command you will find one file in following path “database/migrations” and you have to put bellow code in your migration file for create tags table.


use IlluminateSupportFacadesSchema;

use IlluminateDatabaseSchemaBlueprint;

use IlluminateDatabaseMigrationsMigration;

class CreateTagsTable extends Migration



* Run the migrations.


* @return void


public function up()


Schema::create('tags', function (Blueprint $table) {







* Reverse the migrations.


* @return void


public function down()





Now we need to create model for tags table so let’s create model.



namespace App;

use IlluminateDatabaseEloquentModel;

class Tag extends Model



* The attributes that are mass assignable.


* @var array


protected $fillable = [




Step 2: Add Route

In this is step we need to add routes for tag autocomplete. so open your “routes/web.php” file and add following route.


Route::get('vuejs/autocomplete', 'VueJSController@autocomplete');

Route::get('vuejs/autocomplete/search', 'VueJSController@autocompleteSearch');

Also see:Multi select autocomplete jquery example with code

Step 3: Create Controller

Here, in this step we need to create new controller for create tag autocomplete example. so create “VueJSController” controller and put bellow code:



namespace AppHttpControllers;

use IlluminateHttpRequest;

use AppTag;

class VueJSController extends Controller



* Show the application dashboard.


* @return IlluminateHttpResponse


public function autocomplete()


return view('vuejsAutocomplete');



* Show the application dashboard.


* @return IlluminateHttpResponse


public function autocompleteSearch(Request $request)


$searchquery = $request->searchquery;

$data = Tag::where('name','like','%'.$searchquery.'%')->get();

return response()->json($data);



Step 4: Create Blade File

In the last step, we need to create vuejsAutocomplete.blade.php file for autocomplete view. so create bellow file and put bellow code on it.


Also see:Dynamic Form Validation in VueJs with PHP Laravel 5.6

<!DOCTYPE html>



<title>Autocomplete Vue js using Laravel</title>

<link href="" rel="stylesheet" >

<script src=""></script>

<script src=""></script>



<div id="app">

<div >

<div >

<h1>Autocomplete Vue js using Laravel</h1>

<div >

<div >Please Enter for Search</div>

<div >







<script type="text/javascript">

Vue.component('autocomplete', {

template: '<div><input type="text" placeholder="what are you looking for?" v-model="searchquery" v-on:keyup="autoComplete" ><div v-if="data_results.length"><ul ><li v-for="result in data_results">@{{ }}</li></ul></div></div>',

data: function () {

return {

searchquery: '',

data_results: []



methods: {


this.data_results = [];

if(this.searchquery.length > 2){

axios.get('/vuejs/autocomplete/search',{params: {searchquery: this.searchquery}}).then(response => {


this.data_results =;






const app = new Vue({

el: '#app'





Now you can run example and check it. Also you can check demo from bellow links:

I hope it can help you….

Hope this code and post will helped you for implement Laravel 5.6 – Dynamic Ajax Autocomplete using Vue.js. if you need any help or any feedback give it in comment section or you have good idea about this post you can give it comment section. Your comment will help us for help you more and improve us. we will give you this type of more interesting post in featured also so, For more interesting post and code Keep reading our blogs

For More Info See :: laravel And github

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