How to Install PostgreSQL with phpPgAdmin on Ubuntu 16.04
In this post we will give you information about How to Install PostgreSQL with phpPgAdmin on Ubuntu 16.04. Hear we will give you detail about How to Install PostgreSQL with phpPgAdmin on Ubuntu 16.04And how to use it also give you demo for it if it is necessary.
phpPgAdmin is a web based administration interface for managing PostgreSQL database in a simple way.
With the help of phpPgAdmin, We can easily create new database, tables, stored procedures etc.
In this example, you will know how to install PostgreSQL with phpPgAdmin on Ubuntu 16.04.
There are many advanced features with PostgreSQL and it is suited for large database.
It doesn’t take much more time to install PostgreSQL with phpPgAdmin on Ubuntu 16.04.
PostgreSQL is available for many operating systems, such as Linux, FreeBSD, Solaris and Microsoft Windows.
There are following benefits of using phpPgAdmin :
- Easy data manipulation like browse tables, views.
- Dump table data in a various formats: SQL, COPY, XML, XHTML, CSV etc.
- Import SQL scripts.
- Simple and easy installation process.
Update repository list
Before going with installation process, update the repository list by running following command :
# apt-get update && apt-get upgrade
Install PostgreSQL and phpPgAdmin on Uubntu 16.04
Now run following command to install PostgreSQL and phpPgAdmin :
# apt-get install postgresql postgresql-contrib phppgadmin
Don’t worry if you do not have Apache or PHP because this command will automatically install necessary packages needed by PostgreSQL database and phpPgAdmin.
Connect with PostgreSQL
By default, it create a user “postgres” with the fresh installation of PostgreSQL.
Now run following command to connect PostgreSQL database :
$ sudo su - postgres $ psql
If you want to change the current password then run following command :
postgres=# password postgres
After running above command, you will be asked to enter new password.
Run following command to disconnect from PostgreSQL database :
postgres-# q
Phpmyadmin : Login disallowed for security reasons in postgresql
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