How to get filename from file path in MySQL?

How to get filename from file path in MySQL?

In this post we will give you information about How to get filename from file path in MySQL?. Hear we will give you detail about How to get filename from file path in MySQL?And how to use it also give you demo for it if it is necessary.

Sometimes we require to get filenames from path of table column in MySQL. If you are working on PHP then you can simply use basename() pre-define function of code PHP, But in MySQL you can’t use basename() in select query. This mysql function you can use in code PHP, PHP framework like laravel, codeigniter etc.

However, you can get simply filename or image name from path using SUBSTRING_INDEX() of MySQL. You can extract filename from path using substring_index(), substring_index() take three argument, first for column name, second for split string chat, and third get last element from split. So you can simply use. I am going to give you simply example for getting filenames from path or url.

In this example i have “categories” table with six columns i also added some dummy data on table as listed bellow :

categories table:

Ok, now i have image column with full path of image, we require only get name of image not path so run bellow mysql query using substring_index().

MySQL Query:

Also see:How to import CSV file using mysql

SELECT id, name, SUBSTRING_INDEX(image, '/', -1) FROM 'categories'

After this, you will see output like as bellow screen shot:


I hope it can help you….

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