Get Product details Using Product Id in Magento
This post show how to get all Product details Using Product Id in Magento. This code will show you all detail of product product added in Magento admin(by Magento admin panel Catalog > Manage Categories). Hear we show some detail like name, short description, Long Description, Regular Price, special Price etc but if you remove comment of print_r($_products), it will show you all detail of product.
$product_id = "17"; // add youtr poduct id $product_obj = Mage::getModel('catalog/product'); // Enter your Product Id in $product_id $_products = $product_obj->load($product_id); // show all detail of Product's echo "<pre>"; print_r($_products); // all Product's detail echo "</pre>"; // get Product's name echo $_products->getName(); //get product's short description echo $_products->getShortDescription(); //get Product's Long Description echo $_products->getDescription(); //get Product's Regular Price echo $_products->getPrice(); //get Product's special Price echo $_product->getSpecialPrice(); //get Product's Url echo $_products->getProductUrl(); //get Product's image Url echo $_products->getImageUrl(); //get Product's small image url echo $_products->getSmallImageUrl(); //get Product's thumbnail image url echo $_products->getThumbnailUrl();