CSS Circle Menus code and Demo

CSS Circle Menus code and Demo

In this post, we will give you information about the CSS Circle Menus code and Demo. Here we will give you details about the CSS Circle Menus code and Demo And how to use it also give you a demo for it if it is necessary. CSS Circle Menus code and Demo we could find on the web. Also, This is a Codepen example.

1. Pure CSS “Spin-out” Menu

CSS Circle Menus - Pure CSS "Spin-out" Menu

Hover the menu and all of it’s items flare out!
Author: Billy (billyysea)
Created on: February 21, 2013
Made with: HTML, SCSS, JS
Tags: ui, menu, hover, pure-css, scss

2. Circular Menu, Navigation, Hamburger, Material – CSS Circle Menus

CSS Circle Menus - Circular Menu, Navigation, Hamburger, Material

Author: Shyam Chen (Shyam-Chen)
Created on: July 30, 2015
Made with: Pug, Stylus
CSS Pre-processor: Stylus
JS Pre-processor: TypeScript
HTML Pre-processor: Pug
Tags: jade, stylus

3. CSS Circular Menu

CSS Circle Menus - CSS Circular Menu

Using border-radius and clipping paths to create a circular fan like menu Icons by Scott Dunlap – CSS Circle Menus
Author: Mikael Ainalem (ainalem)
Created on: June 13, 2019
Made with: HTML, CSS, JS
Tags: circular, menu, fold-out, hand fan, fan menu

4. CSS Circular Menu Navigation

CSS Circle Menus - CSS Circular Menu Navigation

Author: Kapilraj Parameswararajah (Kapilnemo)
Created on: June 24, 2016
Made with: HTML, CSS

5. CSS Rings Navigation Concept – CSS Circle Menus

CSS Circle Menus - CSS Rings Navigation Concept

Links are absolutely positioned on top of each other making several rings.
Author: Bennett Feely (bennettfeely)
Made with: HTML, SCSS, JS

6. Circular CSS NavBar – CSS Circle Menus

CSS Circle Menus - Circular CSS NavBar

Inspired from google material design and Circles, created this hamburger style circular NAVBAR, ready to tag along on your website design.Comments and suggestion are welcome 🙂
Author: sanjeev yadav (alexakasanjeev)
Created on: February 5, 2016
Made with: HTML, CSS, JS
Tags: navbar, css, circle, material, html

7. Colourful Flower Popup Menu – CSS Circle Menus

CSS Circle Menus - Colourful Flower Popup Menu

This mobile inspired flower popup menu is a colourful fun project I’m experimenting with. Feel free to use it however you like.
Author: Jasper LaChance (jasperlachance)
Created on: March 12, 2016
Made with: HTML, CSS, JS
Tags: menu, popup, flower, animated, colourful

8. Pure CSS Circle Menu

CSS Circle Menus - Pure CSS Circle Menu

Circular menu with toggle button created only with css. You can configure the menu size, number of items, color of toggle button and links icons.
Author: Hadar Weiss (hadarweiss)
Created on: June 16, 2015
Made with: Haml, SCSS, JS
CSS Pre-processor: SCSS
JS Pre-processor: None
HTML Pre-processor: Haml
Tags: css, menu, transition, transform, rotate

9. Warp Drive! A Pure CSS 3D Radial Menu – CSS Circle Menus

CSS Circle Menus - Warp Drive! A pure CSS 3D Radial Menu

Super radial menu hyper action! Chrome only for the time being
Author: Jamie Coulter (jcoulterdesign)
Created on: November 10, 2015
Made with: Haml, SCSS, JS
CSS Pre-processor: SCSS
JS Pre-processor: None
HTML Pre-processor: Haml
Tags: ui, css, 3d, ux, menu

10. Circular Menu – CSS Circle Menus

CSS Circle Menus - Circular Menu

Author: Mojtaba Seyedi (seyedi)
Created on: June 23, 2015
Made with: HTML, CSS
Tags: menu, share menu, css3, transition

11. Animated Radial / Circular Menu – CSS Circle Menus

CSS Circle Menus - Animated radial / circular menu

A radial menu made with CSS3 and JavaScript
Author: Creative Punch (CreativePunch)
Created on: February 25, 2014
Made with: HTML, CSS, JS
Tags: css3, animated, menu, radial, circular

12. CSS Radial Menu – CSS Circle Menus

CSS Circle Menus - CSS radial menu

Hover the burger to expand radial menu. Only CSS with transitions and transfroms. The radial menu system is responsive according to the viewport height/width
Author: web-tiki (web-tiki)
Created on: March 18, 2015
Made with: HTML, CSS
Tags: menu, radial-menu, css, css3, transition

13. CSS Gooey Menu (Version 2)

CSS Circle Menus - CSS Gooey Menu (Version 2)

Gooey menu with CSS and SVG filters. Version 2
Author: Lucas Bebber (lbebber)
Created on: January 25, 2015
Made with: HTML, SCSS
Tags: css, goo, effect, menu, filter

14. Circular Menu

CSS Circle Menus - Circular Menu

Hover to reveal menu. Menu icon done using pseudo-border method mentioned in this post: http://css-tricks.com/three-line-menu-navicon/. Update 4/7/2015: Fix menu hiding when cursor is moved between items; adjust the line-height so the text is vertically centered.
Author: Andrew Myers (maskedcoder)
Created on: March 27, 2014
Made with: HTML, CSS, JS
Tags: menu, animation, pure-css, circular-menu

15. Circular Menu

CSS Circle Menus - Circular menu

Circular menu. Only CSS.
Author: Mariano J. (didac)
Created on: May 26, 2017
Made with: HTML, CSS
Tags: circular-menu, circle-menu, css, nav

16. Gooey Menu

CSS Circle Menus - Gooey Menu

Gooey menu with CSS and SVG filters. Version 1 – CSS Circle Menus
Author: Lucas Bebber (lbebber)
Created on: January 25, 2015
Made with: HTML, SCSS
Tags: goo, menu, css, svg, filter

17. Circular Menu

CSS Circle Menus - Circular Menu

Author: Rahul Rai (rahul-rai-the-styleful)
Created on: July 25, 2019
Made with: HTML, CSS
Tags: menu, share menu, css3, transition

18. Circular Menu With Pure CSS

CSS Circle Menus - Circular menu with pure CSS

Just putting on CodePen something I’ve done months ago. Absolutely no images used for the menu. The only image used is the one for the background. Click the star to open the menu and anywhere else to close it. (Firefox has an issue with the :focus trick on the link – CSS Circle Menus
Author: Dennis (gevera)
Made with: HTML, CSS, JS

19. Circle Menu With CSS3 (Pure CSS Version)

CSS Circle Menus - Circle Menu With CSS3 (Pure CSS Version)

Modified version of CSS3 Circle Menu to remove JS dependency. The menu is now 100% CSS & HTML Forked from SAMSURY SITES’s Pen Circle Menu With CSS3. – CSS Circle Menus
Author: Paul Hawxby (phawxby)
Created on: May 2, 2014
Made with: HTML, SCSS, JS
Tags: menu, css3

20. Radial / Circular Menu Concept

CSS Circle Menus - Radial / Circular Menu Concept

Experimenting with radial menus. Inspired by the right-click-to-expand radial menus of Rust. Change the number of menu items in the bottom right to see how it works with a different number of menu items. – CSS Circle Menus
Author: Glenn McComb (lenymo)
Created on: June 20, 2017
Made with: HTML, SCSS, JS
Tags: menu, radial, circular, navigation, ui

21. CSS White Border Circle Menu

CSS Circle Menus - CSS White Border Circle Menu

Circular menu. Hover over the button and see icon bubbles swirl out and orbit the main piece. On mouse out, they swirl back in. Excellent way to implement a list of links. Be aware that touch browsers may not implement a :hover event. – CSS Circle Menus
Author: Ildar Sagdejev (tknomad)
Created on: May 4, 2014
Made with: Pug, Stylus, JS
CSS Pre-processor: Stylus
JS Pre-processor: None
HTML Pre-processor: Pug
Tags: css3, transition, animation, menu, hover

22. Pure CSS Circular Menu

CSS Circle Menus - Pure CSS Circular Menu

Recreate of https://dribbble.com/shots/5419580-Add-Button-hover-animation
Author: Gabriel Antonio (Mareken)
Created on: April 13, 2019
Made with: Pug, Sass
CSS Pre-processor: Sass
JS Pre-processor: Babel
HTML Pre-processor: Pug

23. Circular Menu

CSS Circle Menus - Circular menu

Circular menu. Only CSS.
Author: Mariano J. (didac)
Created on: May 26, 2017
Made with: HTML, CSS
Tags: circular-menu, circle-menu, css, nav

24. Simple Radial Menu – CSS Circle Menus

CSS Circle Menus - Simple radial menu

There is a bug with square backgrounds when you hovering buttons. Looks like it’s a problem with this fancy hsla gradient background, but i don’t wanna change it 🙂
Author: Nikolay Talanov (suez)
Created on: September 22, 2014
Made with: HTML, SCSS, JS
Tags: radial-menu, css-transitions

25. Radial Menu – CSS Circle Menus

CSS Circle Menus - Radial menu

Author: Carlos (bartoloxs)
Created on: July 29, 2014
Made with: HTML, SCSS, JS
Tags: radial, menu, transform, cool

26. Circular Navigation Concept

CSS Circle Menus - Circular Navigation Concept

A new Navigation Concept – CSS Circle Menus
Author: Benedict (Chrisstar)
Created on: November 24, 2016
Made with: HTML, SCSS, JS
Tags: codevember, navigation, circle, concept

Conclusion for CSS Circle Menus code and Demo

Hope this code and post will help you implement the CSS Circle Menus code and Demo. if you need any help or any feedback give it in the comment section or if you have a good idea about this post you can give it in the comment section. Your comment will help us to help you more and improve us.

For More Info See: laravel And github

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