Capitalize the First Letter of a String Using Lodash

Capitalize the First Letter of a String Using Lodash

Capitalize the First Letter of a String Using Lodash

In this post, we will give you information about Capitalize the First Letter of a String Using Lodash. Here we will give you detail about Capitalize the First Letter of a String Using Lodash And how to use it also give you a demo for it if it is necessary.

If you want to capitalize the first letter of every word in a string, you can use Lodash’s startCase() function.

const _ = require('lodash');

_.startCase('hello world, today is a beautiful day'); // Hello World, Today Is A Beautiful Day

If you want to capitalize only the first letter in the string, you can use Lodash’s capitalize() function.

const example = 'hello world, today is a beautiful day';

_.capitalize(example); // Hello world, today is a beautiful day.

Vanilla JavaScript Alternative

You don’t need Lodash to capitalize the first letter of a string in JavaScript.
For example, below is how you can capitalize the first letter of a string in vanilla JavaScript.

const str = 'captain Picard';

const caps = str.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + str.slice(1);
caps; // 'Captain Picard'

You can also capitalize the first letter of each word as follows.

const str = 'captain picard';

function capitalize(str) {
  return str.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + str.slice(1);

const caps = str.split(' ').map(capitalize).join(' ');
caps; // 'Captain Picard'

Lodash is a JavaScript library which provides utility functions for common programming tasks using the functional programming paradigm. Lodash is a JavaScript library that helps programmers write more concise and maintainable JavaScript. It can be broken down into several main areas: Utilities: for simplifying common programming tasks such as determining type as well as simplifying math operations(Capitalize the First Letter of a String Using Lodash).

Why Lodash?

Lodash makes JavaScript easier by taking the hassle out of working with arrays, numbers, objects, strings, etc.Lodash’s modular methods are great for:

  • Iterating arrays, objects, & strings
  • Manipulating & testing values
  • Creating composite functions

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