Simple Angular 4 Dropdown Component with example
In this post we will show you Simple Angular 4 Dropdown Component, hear for Simple Angular 4 Dropdown Component we will give you demo and example for implement.
Hear is Git hub like for Download, Demo and for information(Read More), it will help you into development and implement for Simple Angular 4 Dropdown Component. This link of git will give you document, instruction, installation and other information.
Data for Dropdown Angular 4 Component
[items] can be an Object like the following: this.savedFilter = [ { name: 'set-Profile1', any: {} } ]
[defaultValue] can be a String like the following:
this.defaultSelectTextProfile = "Please Select";
[isEditable] can be a boolean and defined if dropdown values can be changed
Installation for Dropdown Angular 4 Component
Install ng2-simple-dropdown via npm
npm install ng2-simple-dropdown --save
import { browser, element, by } from 'protractor'; export class Ng2DatepickerCliPage { navigateTo() { return browser.get('/'); } getParagraphText() { return element(by.css('app-root h1')).getText(); } }
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