Analyze JavaScript Bundles with Webpack Bundle Analyzer

Analyze JavaScript Bundles with Webpack Bundle Analyzer

Analyze JavaScript Bundles with Webpack Bundle Analyzer

In this post, we will give you information about Analyze JavaScript Bundles with Webpack Bundle Analyzer. Here we will give you detail about Analyze JavaScript Bundles with Webpack Bundle Analyzer And how to use it also give you a demo for it if it is necessary.

The webpack-bundle-analyzer npm module generates an interactive treemap (not to be confused with Java’s TreeMap class) of a given Webpack bundle. This map is useful for finding what are the npm packages that are adding the most to your bundle size, so you can see where to focus when trying to trim your bundle size.

Setup for Analyze JavaScript Bundles with Webpack Bundle Analyzer

First, you need to install Webpack, webpack-cli, and webpack-bundle-analyzer:

npm install webpack webpack-cli webpack-bundle-analyzer

Next, let’s install Vue and Axios to put together a trivial Vue app.

npm install vue axios

Here’s an src/index.js file creates a simple Vue app.

const Vue = require('vue');
const axios = require('axios');

const url = '';

const app = new Vue({
  data: () => ({ user: '' }),
  template: '
      Hello, {{user}}
  mounted: function() {
      then(res =>
      then(user => { this.user = user; }).
      catch(err => console.log(err));

Running the Bundle Analyzer for Analyze JavaScript Bundles with Webpack Bundle Analyzer

To run the bundle analyzer, first you need to run Webpack with the --profile and --json flags to export the raw data that the bundle
analyzer needs:

$ ./node_modules/.bin/webpack --profile --json > stats.json

The stats.json file looks something like this:

$ head stats.json 
  "errors": [],
  "warnings": [
    "configurationnThe 'mode' option has not been set, webpack will fallback to 'production' for this value. Set 'mode' option to 'development' or 'production' to enable defaults for each environment.nYou can also set it to 'none' to disable any default behavior. Learn more:"
  "version": "4.42.0",
  "hash": "a4433cf21bc97d0be252",
  "time": 269,
  "builtAt": 1583167656248,
  "publicPath": "",

Next, run the Webpack bundle analyzer on the stats.json file:

$ ./node_modules/.bin/webpack-bundle-analyzer stats.json

Webpack bundle analyzer will open up a browser window with the tree

Here’s a live example of the above image.
The way to read the treemap is that the node_modules square contains
everything underneath it. So the bundled node_modules contains vue/dist
and axios. The size of the vue/dist square is proportional to the
size of the bundle, so you can tell that vue/dist is much bigger than

And underneath vue/dist and axios/lib/core are the individual files.
Vue is bundled into one vue.runtime.esm.js file. And axios/lib/core
has several smaller files, the largest one of which is utils.js.


Webpack is a module bundler. Its main purpose is to bundle JavaScript files

for usage in a browser, yet it is also capable of transforming, bundling, or packaging just about any resource or asset.

Webpack takes modules with dependencies and generates static assets representing those modules.

These assets can be served by a web server or loaded directly into a browser.

Webpack is a popular choice for bundling JavaScript applications because it is:

  • Fast: Webpack can bundle large applications quickly.
  • Flexible: Webpack can be configured to do a wide variety of tasks.
  • Extensible: Webpack has a large community of developers who have created plugins that extend its functionality.

If you are developing a JavaScript application, Webpack is a good choice for bundling your code. It is fast, flexible, and extensible.

Here are some of the things that Webpack can do:

  • Bundle JavaScript files into a single file for faster loading.
  • Optimize JavaScript code for better performance.
  • Minify JavaScript code to reduce its size.
  • Transpile JavaScript code to make it compatible with older browsers.
  • Inject CSS styles into HTML files.
  • Bundle image files into a single file for faster loading.
  • Optimize image files for better performance.
  • Minify image files to reduce their size.

Webpack is a powerful tool that can help you build better JavaScript applications. If you are not familiar with Webpack, there are many resources available online to help you get started.

Here are some of the resources that I recommend:

  • Webpack documentation: The official documentation for Webpack is a great place to start learning about the tool.
  • Webpack tutorials: There are many tutorials available online that can teach you how to use Webpack.
  • Webpack plugins: There are a large number of plugins available for Webpack that can extend its functionality.
  • Webpack community: The Webpack community is very active and helpful. If you have any questions, you can ask them on the Webpack forum or in the Webpack Slack channel.

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