How To Set Header In maatwebsite/excel Export In Laravel
In this post we will give you information about How To Set Header In maatwebsite/excel Export In Laravel. Hear we will give you detail about How To Set Header In maatwebsite/excel Export In LaravelAnd how to use it also give you demo for it if it is necessary.
Today, we are share with you how to set header in excelsheet when you are export excel in laravel. mostlly all developer use maatwebsite/excel package in laravel application for excel import/export. so, we are here use this package for demo tutorial.
Set header in excel during export data from database by dynamic way is this most common task in most of laravel application. but many new laravel developer did’t know proper how to set header in excel. so, simply follow this step for set header in excel.
If you don’t know how to install and configure maatwebsite/excel package in laravel, please visit this tutorial link How To Excel Import/Export In Laravel
Step : 1 Create Route
First we are create one route for export excel from users table. so, open your routes/web.php file and add following routes.
// Display All User In Table
Route::get('user-list', '[email protected]')->name('user-list');
// Export User Table Data In Excel With Set Header
Route::get('user-export', '[email protected]')->name('user-export');
Step : 2 Create Method In HomeController
Now, open app/Http/Controllers/HomeController.php file and add following two function. you also use any controller.
namespace AppHttpControllers;
use IlluminateHttpRequest;
use IlluminateSupportFacadesInput;
use Redirect;
use Excel;
use AppUser;
class HomeController extends Controller
public function userList()
$data = DB::table('users')->get();
return view('userList', compact('data'));
public function exportUserData($type)
$data = User::get()->toArray();
return Excel::create('onlinecode', function($excel) use ($data) {
$excel->sheet('mySheet', function($sheet) use ($data)
$sheet->cell('A1', function($cell) {$cell->setValue('First Name'); });
$sheet->cell('B1', function($cell) {$cell->setValue('Last Name'); });
$sheet->cell('C1', function($cell) {$cell->setValue('Email'); });
if (!empty($data)) {
foreach ($data as $key => $value) {
$i= $key+2;
$sheet->cell('A'.$i, $value['firstname']);
$sheet->cell('B'.$i, $value['lastname']);
$sheet->cell('C'.$i, $value['email']);
Step : 3 Create userList.blade.php File
Next, we are create userList.blade.php file in resources/views/ folder and copy following code in it.
<div >
<div >
<div >
<a href="{{ URL::to('user-export/xlsx') }}" >Export Excel</a>
<a href="{{ URL::to('user-export/csv') }}" >Export CSV</a>
<div >
<div >User List</div>
<div >
<table >
<th>First Name</th>
<th>Last Name</th>
@if(!empty($data) && $data->count())
@foreach($data as $key => $value)
<td>{{ $value->firstname }}</td>
<td>{{ $value->lastname }}</td>
<td>{{ $value->email }}</td>
Now we are ready to run our example so run bellow command ro quick run:
php artisan serve
Now you can test one by one route url in your browser like that:
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