Remove a null from an Object with Lodash

How to Remove a null from an Object with Lodash

How to Remove a null from an Object with Lodash

In this post, we will give you information about How to Remove a null from an Object with Lodash – onlinecode. Here we will give you detail about How to Remove a null from an Object with Lodash – onlinecode And how to use it also give you a demo for it if it is necessary.

To remove a null from an object with lodash, you can use the omitBy() function.

const _ = require('lodash');

const obj = {a: null, b: 'Hello', c: 3, d: undefined};

const result = _.omitBy(obj, v => v === null); // {b: 'Hello', c: 3, d: undefined}

If you want to remove both null and undefined, you can use .isNil or non-strict equality.

const _ = require('lodash');

const obj = {a: null, b: 'Hello', c: 3, d: undefined};

const result = _.omitBy(obj, _.isNil); // {b: 'Hello', c: 3}

const other = _.omitBy(obj, v => v == null); // {b: 'Hello', c: 3}

Using Vanilla JavaScript for Remove a null from an Object with Lodash

You can use vanilla JavaScript to remove nulls from objects using Object.entries() and Array filter().
However, the syntax is a bit messy.
Lodash omitBy() is cleaner.

const obj = {a: null, b: 'Hello', c: 3, d: undefined, e: null};

Object.fromEntries(Object.entries(obj).filter(([key, value]) => value !== null)); // { b: "Hello", c: 3, d: undefined }


Lodash is a JavaScript library which provides utility functions for common programming tasks using the functional programming paradigm. Lodash is a JavaScript library that helps programmers write more concise and maintainable JavaScript. It can be broken down into several main areas: Utilities: for simplifying common programming tasks such as determining type as well as simplifying math operations.

Why Lodash?

Lodash makes JavaScript easier by taking the hassle out of working with arrays, numbers, objects, strings, etc.Lodash’s modular methods are great for:

  • Iterating arrays, objects, & strings
  • Manipulating & testing values
  • Creating composite functions

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