How to Create a Codepen animated Button with CSS

How to Create a Codepen animated Button with CSS

In this post we will give you information about How to Create a Codepen animated Button with CSS. Hear we will give you detail about How to Create a Codepen animated Button with CSSAnd how to use it also give you demo for it if it is necessary.

we are going to learn about creating a Codepen animated button with css.

Note: This is my third project from the #15daysofcss challenge.

Codepen Demo

Here is the demo for the Codepen animated button.

Getting started

First, let’s add the HTML markup.

<a href="" target="_blank" >  <span>Start Coding</span></a>

In the above code, we have an anchor tag <a> with a class animated-button and a span tag.

The CSS styles

In the below code, we have used the linear-gradient() function to apply the 5 different colors to the border of our button.

.animated-button{    font-size: 1rem;    font-weight: 400;    text-decoration:none;    color: #ffff;    cursor: pointer;    background-image: linear-gradient(164deg,#c1b562,#b1b1ea,#bb46a7,#b4b783,orange);    border-radius: 3px;    padding:14px 3px; /* it helps to increase border width*/}.animated-button span{  background: black;  color: #ffff;  padding:11px 30px; /* it helps to increase button width and height*/  height:100%;}.animated-button:hover{  animation: bordermove .7s linear infinite}

The Animation

Now, we need to animate the border whenever a user hovers on the button.

To do that, we need to change the linear-gradient colors at different percentages.

@keyframes bordermove{  0%{    background-image: linear-gradient(114deg,#c1b562,#b1b1ea,#bb46a7,#b4b783,orange);  }  25%{     background-image: linear-gradient(124deg,orange,#b1b1ea,#c1b562,#b4b783,#bb46a7);  }  50%{    background-image: linear-gradient(134deg,#b4b783,#bb46a7,orange,#c1b562,#b1b1ea);  }  75%{    background-image: linear-gradient(144deg,#b4b783,#b1b1ea,orange,#bb46a7,#c1b562);  }  100%{    background-image: linear-gradient(114deg,#c1b562,#b4b783,#b1b1ea,orange,#bb46a7);  }}

We have used the same five colors in the 0% to 100% but each level we have changed the position of the colors.

I hope you enjoyed ✓ and learned something new.

If you are interested in doing 15daysofcss challenge checkout 15daysofcss page.


If you want a button element with a link tag and at the same time to be accessible with tabs you can use the below HTML markup.

&lt;button &gt;    &lt;a href="" target="_blank" tab-index="-1"&gt;      &lt;span&gt;Start Coding&lt;/span&gt;    &lt;/a&gt;&lt;/button&gt;

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