Best Web Development Courses on Udemy in 2022

Best Web Development Courses on Udemy in 2022

In this post we will give you information about Best Web Development Courses on Udemy in 2022. Hear we will give you detail about Best Web Development Courses on Udemy in 2022And how to use it also give you demo for it if it is necessary.

There are a lot of web development courses available online, it’s hard to choose one if you are new to programming. In this article, I am going to share with you my favorite web development courses that help me to learn web development in 2021.

This article is divided into three categories

FullStack Web Development courses

What is FullStack Web development?

FullStack web development means the combination of both front-end and back-end tech stacks, it meansby learning the FullStack web development you can able to develop a complete website that includes UI design, Creating restful APIs, database, and authentication, handling payments, etc.

Note: The courses listed below are project-based, Each course offers you a different type of realtime web development projects that helps you to showcase in your portfolio

1. The Complete Web Developer in 2022: Zero to Mastery

Instructor: Andrei Neagoie   Level: Beginners (No previous coding experience is required)

This course contains 333 lectures with 34 hours of video content.

In this course you will learn:

  • How internet Works

  • Html, CSS, JavaScript

  • Semantic UI

  • Responsive Web Design (Flexbox, Grid-based layouts)

  • Bootstrap 4

  • React.js + Redux

  • How to use Git and Github

  • NODE.JS (server side JavaScript framework)

  • PostgresSQL (Database)

  • Machine Learning (Basics)

2. The Web Developer Bootcamp

Instructor: Colt Steele   Level: Beginners (No previous coding experience is required)

This is the highest enrolled course on udemy, There are 545 lectures with 46.5 hours of video content.

In this course you will learn:

  • HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript

  • Bootstrap 4

  • SemanticUI

  • DOM Manipulation, jQuery

  • Unix(Command Line) Commands

  • NodeJS(Backend), NPM(Node package manager)

  • MongoDB (Database)

  • Authentication and Authorization

3. The Complete 2022 Web Development Bootcamp

Instructor: Angela Yu   Level: Beginners (No previous coding experience is required)

This course contains 408 lectures with 51.5 hours of video content.

In this course you will learn:

  • HTML 5, CSS 3, Javascript ES6

  • Bootstrap 4

  • DOM Manipulation, jQuery

  • Bash Command Line

  • Git, GitHub and Version Control

  • NodeJS(Backend), NPM(Node package manager)

  • EJS (Templating language)

  • How to design REST APIs

  • SQL, MongoDB (Databases)

  • Firebase (Hosting)

  • React.js, Hooks

  • Web Design

  • How to Deploy websites in GitHub Pages, Heroku, and MongoDB Atlas

  • How to Work as a freelance web developer

Front-end Web Development courses

What is Front-end Web Development?

A development that is done using (HTML, CSS, JavaScript) is called Front-end web development. It means by learning front-end web development you will able to develop the front part of the website that is Layouts, User interfaces, User interaction, Accessibility, etc.

These are the best-rated front-end web development courses available on udemy.

1. Modern HTML & CSS From The Beginning (Including Sass)

Instructor: Brad Travesy   Level: Beginners

If you are a beginner, you didn’t know where to start then this course is for you, it teaches you how to create modern website layouts using CSS grid and flexbox.

In this course you will learn:

  • How Websites Work

  • Visual Studio Code Setup (Code editor), Shortcuts, Live Server & Emmet

  • HTML5 Semantic Layout

  • CSS Fundamentals

  • Responsive Design With Media Queries

  • CSS Units (rem, em, vh, vw, etc)

  • Flexbox, CSS Grid

  • Animation with Keyframes & Transitions

  • CSS Variables

  • Sass (CSS preprocessor)

  • How to deploy Websites to Shared Hosting & Netlify using Git

2. CSS – The Complete Guide 2021 (incl. Flexbox, Grid & Sass)

Instructor: Maximilian Schwarzmüller

This one course will teach you CSS (Cascading style sheets) from basic level to advanced level usingboth practical examples as well as the theory.

3. JavaScript – The Complete Guide 2021 (Beginner + Advanced)

Instructor: Maximilian Schwarzmüller   Level: Beginners, Advanced  

If you are already happy with your HTML and CSS skills, then you can choose this course, because it teaches you JavaScript from scratch (beginner to advanced) with 46 hours of video content.

In this course you will learn:

  • JavaScript Basics like ( variables, functions, objects, and arrays)

  • How JavaScript engines work behind the scenes

  • Manipulating web pages with JavaScript (DOM)

  • Asynchronous coding and Http requests

  • Testing, security, and deployment

  • Object-oriented programming

  • Meta-programming, performance optimization, memory leak busting

  • How to use modern JavaScript frameworks and libraries like (React.js, Axios)

4. Beginner JavaScript

Instructor: WesBos   Level : Beginner

Prerequisites: No JavaScript knowledge is required

Beginner JavaScript course contains 88 lectures with 28 hours of video content.

If you want to learn JavaScript by building projects then this course is for you because in this course you will build 8 projects which are:

  • Face Detection + Censorship

  • Audio Visualization

  • Image Gallery

  • Etch-a-Sketch

  • Async+Await Prompt UI

  • Web Speech Game

  • Dad Joke Fetcher

  • Recipe Search

If you want to learn Modern JavaScript frameworks (Single-page-applications) and make your workflow speed with modern tooling like webpack, npm, etc and UI patterns like data binding, Components then you can choose any of the below courses.

5. Angular 8 – The Complete Guide (2019+ Edition)

Instructor: Maximilian Schwarzmüller   Level : Beginner

This course will teach you all the fundamentals about modules, directives, components, data binding, routing, HTTP access and much more! Each section is backed up with a real project.


Instructor: WesBos   Level : Beginner

In this course, you will learn React.js framework by building “Catch of the Day” — a real-time app for a trendy seafood market where price and quantity available are variable and can change at a moment’s notice, a menu, an order form, and an inventory management area where authorized users can immediately update product details.

7. Vue JS 2 – The Complete Guide (incl. Vue Router & Vuex)

Instructor: Maximilian Schwarzmüller   Level : Beginner

Vue.js mixes the combination of Angular + React which is also a most loved framework and easy to learncompare to the other two frameworks angular, React.

In this course, you will learn everything related to vue.js like templates, Components, Directives, Filters and Mixins, Routing and state management using Vuex.

8. Typescript: The Complete Developer’s Guide [2021]

If you want to make your Javascript applications type safety and catch bugs earlier on development then TypeScript is the best option for you.

In this course, you will learn Typescript by building real projects with popular design patterns and also how to integrate TypeScript into React or Express projects.

Back-End Web Development courses

What is Back-end Web Development?

A development which is done mostly at the back part of the website it means creating servers, Rest Apis, DataBases, Handling payments, etc.

If you are familiar with (Html, CSS and JavaScript skills) and interested in learning how to create servers, databases, handling payments, etc then you can choose any of the below courses.

1. Node.js, Express, MongoDB: The Complete Bootcamp 2021

Instructor : Jonas Schmedtmann Level : Beginner

In this course, you will learn Node.js by building real-world RESTful APIs and web app (with authentication, Node.js security, Mongodb, payments & more)

2. NodeJS – The Complete Guide (incl. MVC, REST APIs, GraphQL)

Instructor : Maximilian Schwarzmüller Level : Beginner

This is a massive Node.js course that teaches you everything related to backend web development.

3. The Modern GraphQL Bootcamp (with Node.js and Apollo)

Instructor : Andrew Mead Level : Advanced

In this course, you will learn how to build GraphQL Apps using Node.js. Includes Prisma, authentication, Apollo Client.

Note: GraphQL is alternative to standard Express HTTP API

4. AWS Serverless APIs & Apps – A Complete Introduction

Instructor : Maximilian Schwarzmüller Level : Intermediate

In this course, you will learn how to build and run secure Rest APIs without managing servers using serverless computing with Aws Lambda, API gateway.

5. Fullstack Advanced React & GraphQL

Instructor : WesBos Level : Advanced

In this course, you will learn how to build a full-stack online clothing store complete with real credit checkout where users can search, sell, add to cart and checkout their favorite items, etc.

Hope this code and post will helped you for implement Best Web Development Courses on Udemy in 2022. if you need any help or any feedback give it in comment section or you have good idea about this post you can give it comment section. Your comment will help us for help you more and improve us. we will give you this type of more interesting post in featured also so, For more interesting post and code Keep reading our blogs

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