
The String match() Function in JavaScript – onlinecode

The String `match()` Function in JavaScript - onlinecode

The String match()` Function in JavaScript – onlinecode

In this post, we will give you information about The String match() Function in JavaScript – onlinecode. Here we will give you detail about The String match() Function in JavaScript – onlinecode And how to use it also give you a demo for it if it is necessary.

JavaScript Strings have a match() method that returns an array if the string matches a given regular expression, or null otherwise.

'abc'.match(/a/); // [ 'a', index: 0, input: 'abc', groups: undefined ]
'abc'.match(/z/); // null

// Use 'match()' to check if a string matches a regexp
if (str.match(regexp) != null) {
  // matches!

match() is very similar to the RegExp test() method, which returns true if a regexp matches a given string.

/a/.test('abc'); // true
/z/.test('abc'); // false

If all you want to do is test whether a string matches a regexp, you should use test() because test() is slightly faster.
However, match() has some helpful advanced features.

Capture Groups for The String match() Function in JavaScript

The match() function’s return value contains the regular expressions’ capture groups.
A capture group is a subsection of the regular expression in parentheses ().
For example, d is a capture group in the following.

const arr = 'There are 4 lights'.match(/(d) lights/);

arr[0]; // "4 lights", the complete match
arr[1]; // "4", the first capture group

Capture groups are useful for pulling subsections of a given regular expression result.
For example, below is how you can use capture groups to convert a date in YYYY-MM-DD format into year, month, and day.

const str = '2022-06-01';

// 4 digits, dash, 2 digits, dash, 2 digits. The 4 digits, 2 digits, 2 digits
// are capture groups.
const [year, month, day] = str.match(/(d{4})-(d{2})-(d{2})/).slice(1, 4);

year; // '2022'
month; // '06'
day; // '01'

Note that capture groups do not work if you specify the g flag on your regular expression.

Practical Example: Standardizing US Telephone Numbers

There are many different ways to write a US telephone number.
All the below examples are not uncommon.

+1 201-693-0123
+1 (201)-693-0123
201 693 0123

Suppose you want to standardize, and always store 2016930123, but allow all the other formats?
Use the following regular expression: optional leading +1 as a capture group, and then capture groups for the area code, telephone prefix, and line number.

/^(+1s?)?(?([d]{3}))?[-. ]?([d]{3})[-. ]?([d]{4})$/

Assuming there is a match, the following will convert a telephone number in any of the given formats to 2016930123

const processedTelephoneNumber = telephone.
  match(/^(+1s?)?(?([d]{3}))?[-. ]?([d]{3})[-. ]?([d]{4})$/).
  slice(2, 5).

JavaScript Fundamentals for String match() Function in JavaScript

JavaScript is a programming language that is used to create interactive web pages. It is a client-side scripting language, which means that it runs on the user’s browser. JavaScript can be used to add animation, interactivity, and functionality to web pages.

Here are some of the fundamentals of JavaScript:

These are just some of the fundamentals of JavaScript. There are many other concepts that you can learn as you continue to develop your skills.

Here are some resources that you can use to learn more about JavaScript:

I hope this helps!

Here are some additional tips for learning JavaScript:

With a little practice, you’ll be able to learn JavaScript and start building amazing web applications.

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