How to Get Order List By Customer Id Magento
In this post we will show you How to Get Order List By Customer Id Magento, hear for How to Get Order List By Customer Id Magento we will give you demo and example for implement.
Hear is code for Get Order List By Customer Id in Magento, we use this file out-side of magento(on root of magento).
<?php // include mage file require_once 'app/Mage.php'; Mage::app('default'); Mage::getSingleton("core/session", array("name" => "frontend")); // create functions function isCustomerHasOrders($customer_id, $grand_total = null) { $getgetorderCollection = $this->getCustomerOrder($customer_id, $grand_total); return (bool)$getorderCollection->getSize(); } function getCustomerOrder($customer_id, $grand_total = null) { $getorderCollection = Mage::getResourceModel('sales/order_collection') ->addFieldToSelect('*') ->addFieldToFilter('customer_id', $customer_id) ->addFieldToFilter('state', array('in' => Mage::getSingleton('sales/order_config')->getVisibleOnFrontStates())) ->setOrder('created_at', 'desc'); if ($grand_total && $grand_total > 0) { $getorderCollection->addFieldToFilter('base_grand_total', array ('gteq' => $grand_total)); } return $getorderCollection; } // end function // start code here if (Mage::getSingleton('customer/session')->isLoggedIn()) { $customer_info = Mage::getSingleton('customer/session')->getCustomer(); $customer_id = $customer_info->getId(); $order_col = getCustomerOrder($customer_id, $grand_total = null); $countorder = count($order_col); if($countorder > 0) { $i=0; foreach($order_col as $orderdet_val) { $order = Mage::getModel('sales/order')->load($orderdet_val->getId()); $orderid = $orderdet_val->getId(); // hear get order id or order number $ordernumber = $order->getIncrementId(); $orderdate1 = $order->getCreatedAtStoreDate(); $orderdate2 = str_replace(",","",$orderdate1); $orderdate = trim($orderdate2,''); //echo date(strtotime($order->getCreatedAtStoreDate()); //hear get order total value: $orderTotalValue = number_format ($order->getGrandTotal(), 2, '.' , $thousands_sep = ''); $payment_method_code = $order->getPayment()->getMethodInstance()->getCode(); $status= $order->getStatusLabel(); $firstname = $order->getCustomerFirstname(); $currency_code = Mage::app()->getStore()->getCurrentCurrencyCode(); $lastname = $order->getCustomerLastname(); // hear item list $orderItems = $order->getItemsCollection(); $j = 0; foreach ($orderItems as $item) { $productid = $item->product_id; $productsku = $item->sku; $productprice = $item->getPrice(); $productname = $item->getName(); $productqty = $item->getData('qty_ordered'); //echo $productsubtotal = $item->getSubTotal(); $productsubtotal = $productqty * $productprice; // hear get product image $productimg2 = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->load($item->product_id); $productMediaConfig = Mage::getModel('catalog/product_media_config'); $prodimgthumbnailUrl = $productMediaConfig->getMediaUrl($productimg2->getThumbnail()); $itemdetail[$j] = array( "productId" => $productid, "productName" => $productname, "productSku" => $productsku, "productQty" => $productqty, "productPrice" => $productprice, "productSubTotal" => $productsubtotal, "prodImgUrl" => $prodimgthumbnailUrl ); $j++; } $orderlist[$i] = array( "orderId" => $orderid, "orderNumber" => $ordernumber, "orderDate" => $orderdate, "shipTo" => $firstname.''.$lastname, "orderTotal" => $orderTotalValue, "currency" => $currency_code, "itemList" => $itemdetail ); $i++; } $data['responseCode'] = '1'; $data['msg'] = 'successfull'; $data['orderListResponse'] = $orderlist; } else { $data['responseCode'] = '0'; $data['msg'] = 'No Data Found'; } } else { $data['responseCode'] = '0'; $data['msg'] = 'You must Login'; } $result = json_encode($data); echo $result; ?>
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