
Laravel 9 Install – How to install Laravel 9 framework

how to laravel 9 install

Laravel 9 Install – How to install Laravel 9 framework

In this post, we will give you How to Laravel 9 Install framework, hear for How to Laravel 9 install framework   we will give you details about it.

This is a way just to start to play with some new things in the master branch. It is because we love to “live on the edge” but it is not recommended for a “production” project. So try this only in your local machine, because you are curious.

On packagist, if you look at “laravel/laravel” packages, you can see that there is a version named “dev-develop”.

This version includes the upcoming new version of the “laravel/framework” packages.

You can see that “laravel/laravel” includes “laravel/framework 9.0” and it requires PHP version ≥ 7.4 and PHPunit 9. Laravel 8 is supporting also PHP version 7.3. So if you are planning to use Laravel 9 next September, check your PHP version.

You can discover more thing on the release on this packagist URL:

To install Laravel 9.0 you need to launch composer create-project as usual and then you need to set the “dev-develop” version of the “laravel/laravel” package:

composer require laravel/framework


OR If you prefer to use the “laravel” command you can achieve the same goal with:

laravel new laravel-dev –dev

Once you have installed Laravel 9, you can enter in the new directory (laravel-dev) and execute the artisan command:

$ cd laravel-dev
$ php artisan –version
Laravel Framework 9.x-dev


Now you can start to play with the new features of Laravel 9.0 (the features that are already pushed on the master branch).
You can launch the local webserver:

php artisan serve

Hope this code and post will help you implement Laravel 9 Install – How to install Laravel 9I. if you need any help or any feedback give it in the comment section or you have a good idea about this post you can give it a comment section. Your comment will help us to help you more and improve onlincode. we will give you this type of more interesting post in featured also so, For more interesting post and code Keep reading our blogs

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