
How to add days to a Date in JavaScript

How to add days to a Date in JavaScript

In this post we will give you information about How to add days to a Date in JavaScript. Hear we will give you detail about How to add days to a Date in JavaScriptAnd how to use it also give you demo for it if it is necessary.

we are going to learn about how to add days to the current date in JavaScript using the new Date() constructor.

Adding days to current Date

  1. To add the days to a current date, first we need to access it inside the JavaScript using the new Date() constructor.
const current = new Date();
  1. Now, we can add the required number of days to a current date using the combination of setDate() and getDate() methods.
// it adds 2 days to a current datecurrent.setDate(current.getDate()+2);console.log(current.toDateString());/* If today's date is "Wed Sep 30 2020"then it returns after 2 days date "Fri Oct 02 2020" */

Full example:

const current = new Date();// it adds 2 days to a current datecurrent.setDate(current.getDate()+2);console.log(current.toDateString());


  • The setDate() method sets the day of the month to a Date object.
  • The getDate() method gets the current day of the month (from 1 – 31).

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