
Define Global Variable in Laravel 5.8

Define Global Variable in Laravel 5.8

In this post we will give you information about Define Global Variable in Laravel 5.8. Hear we will give you detail about Define Global Variable in Laravel 5.8And how to use it also give you demo for it if it is necessary.

In this tutorial, we will learn how to define global variable in laravel 5.8 application. you can define constants variable with string value, integer value, array value and you can access for all controller, all views, all blade files, middleware too in laravel 5.8 using config.

We must be require to define some global value for application like number of pagination records, user type, site url etc. if you are working with small project then i will suggest to create global config file for define constants variable.

In this example we will create one global config file will all define default variable with values. so you can use that variable from anywhere in project. you can also check bellow screen shot for file location.

Create Global Config File

We need to create global.php config file with constants variable value and you can also define array value like as bellow:



return [

'pagination_records' => 10,

'user_type' => ['User', 'Admin'],



Use Global Variable

You can easily get value using config() helper. you can see bellow example:


Route::get('get-user-type', function()




Also see:Laravel 5.8 User Roles and Permissions Tutorial

Route::get('get-user-type', function()




I hope it can help you….

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