
CSS calendars code and Demo

CSS calendars code and Demo

In this post, we will give you information about the CSS calendar code and Demo. Here we will give you details about the CSS calendars code and Demo And how to use it also give you a demo for it if it is necessary. CSS calendars code and Demo we could find on the web. Also, This is a Codepen example.

1. CSS Grid Calendar

The calendar Jake Peralta will never have. Testing z-index with CSS Grid. This experiment is technically a fail as it’s 8/10 UI, 3/10 UX, 0/10 Scalability, 0/10 it-makes-sense-to-do-it-this-way. thank u, next!
Author: Olivia Ng (oliviale)
Created on: February 5, 2019
Made with: Pug, SCSS
CSS Pre-processor: SCSS
JS Pre-processor: None
HTML Pre-processor: Pug
Tags: calendar, event, css-grid

2. CSS Calendar UI Design Tutorial With CSS Grid | Pure HTML + CSS UI Design

Author: mrnobody (corvus-007)
Created on: November 18, 2018
Made with: HTML, SCSS

3. Calendar Mobile App UI

This is an implementation of the calendar app mock up tha I made. (Dribbble link:
Author: Eliza Rajbhandari (eliza-rjb)
Created on: December 10, 2018
Made with: HTML, SCSS
Tags: calendar, html, css, mobile, app

4. CSS Grid Calendar

Author: Mert Cukuren (knyttneve)
Created on: September 6, 2018
Made with: Pug, SCSS
CSS Pre-processor: SCSS
JS Pre-processor: Babel
HTML Pre-processor: Pug

5. Calendar Plan – Tasks Events App

Author: Ahmed Nasr (ahmedhosna95)
Created on: May 25, 2018
Made with: HTML, SCSS, JS

6. Light & Dark Calendar

Light & Dark Calendar
Author: BradleyPJ (BradleyPJ)
Created on: April 22, 2018
Made with: HTML, SCSS
Tags: calendar, light calendar, dark calendar, css, bradleypj

7. CSS Grid Calendar

Author: Adrià (afontcu)
Created on: December 19, 2017
Made with: HTML, CSS

8. Simple Calendar – CSS Calendars

Author: BrainUP (jpag82)
Created on: October 11, 2017
Made with: HTML, Less, JS

9. Duotone Calendar – CSS Calendars

Duotone image with SVG filter.
Author: yumeeeei (yumeeeei)
Created on: June 29, 2017
Made with: HTML, Stylus, JS

10. Windows Fluent Design Calendar – CSS Calendars

Inspired by the preview of the Microsoft Fluent Design System calendar. I thought it looked really pretty so I made it for the web.
Author: Tom (tomcwatts)
Created on: May 15, 2017
Made with: HTML, SCSS
Tags: responsive flexbox calendar windows 10 fluent design system, fluent design, calendar, microsoft, css-layout

11. CSS Images Calendar – CSS Calendars

Author: Alex Johnson (AlxCrmr)
Created on: April 27, 2017
Made with: HTML, CSS
Tags: daily css images, daily css, day 09, calendar

12. Calendar Mock (CSS Only) – CSS Calendars

Author: Jamie (jamiemggs)
Created on: May 31, 2017
Made with: HTML, CSS

13. Windows Fluent Design Calendar – CSS Calendars

Inspired by the preview of the Microsoft Fluent Design System calendar. I thought it looked really pretty so I made it for the web.
Author: Tom (tomcwatts)
Created on: May 15, 2017
Made with: HTML, SCSS
Tags: responsive flexbox calendar windows 10 fluent design system, fluent design, calendar, microsoft, css-layout

14. CSS Flipping Calendar – CSS Calendars

Author: Davide Francesco Merico (NeckersBOX)
Created on: May 11, 2017
Made with: Pug, Sass, JS
CSS Pre-processor: Sass
JS Pre-processor: None
HTML Pre-processor: Pug

15. Minimal CSS Calendar – CSS Calendars

Inspired by the preview of the Microsoft Fluent Design System calendar. I thought it looked really pretty so I made it for the web.
Author: Tom (tomcwatts)
Created on: May 15, 2017
Made with: HTML, SCSS
Tags: responsive flexbox calendar windows 10 fluent design system, fluent design, calendar, microsoft, css-layout

16. Blue, Orange, Yellow, And Red Calendar – CSS Calendars

Calendar with dynamic data.
Author: Nikita Dubko (dark_mefody)
Created on: March 24, 2017
Made with: Pug, SCSS, JS
CSS Pre-processor: SCSS
JS Pre-processor: None
HTML Pre-processor: Pug
Tags: cssimage

17. Parallax Flipping Calendar – CSS Calendars

Author: Andreas Pihl Jrgensen (Antreas)
Created on: March 19, 2017
Made with: HTML, CSS, JS
Tags: javascript, ui, parallax, flip, calendar

18. Flexbox Responsive Calendar – CSS Calendars

Author: Gabi (enxaneta)
Created on: January 26, 2016
Made with: HTML, CSS, JS
Tags: flexbox, calendar, responsive

19. It’s A Calendar Sort Of Thing – CSS Calendars

Hey guys! Been a while since I last did a pen! Been super busy with work & working on a personal home automated project ;)! I hope you guys like this!
Author: Jack Thomson (Jackthomsonn)
Created on: March 6, 2016
Made with: Haml, SCSS, JS
CSS Pre-processor: SCSS
JS Pre-processor: None
HTML Pre-processor: Haml
Tags: angularjs, javascript, ui, scss, animation

20. Infinite Calendar – CSS Calendars

A liquid & ‘light-weight’ calendar. There’s no libraries in this exercise, it’s really hand-crafted. Check out our ‘body-cut’ effect Hope enjoy!
Author: Tadaima (tadaima)
Created on: September 22, 2016
Made with: Pug, SCSS, JS
CSS Pre-processor: SCSS
JS Pre-processor: None
HTML Pre-processor: Pug
Tags: ui, calendar, js, design, tadaimastudio

21. Flexbox Responsive Calendar – CSS Calendars

Author: Gabi (enxaneta)
Created on: January 26, 2016
Made with: HTML, CSS, JS
Tags: flexbox, calendar, responsive

22. Calendar Mockup – CSS Calendars

Very quick mockup of calendar.
Author: Dan Couper (DanielCouper)
Created on: June 3, 2015
Made with: Pug, SCSS
CSS Pre-processor: SCSS
JS Pre-processor: Babel
HTML Pre-processor: Pug

23. Calendar

Author: Dali (daliannyvieira)
Created on: September 29, 2016
Made with: Pug, CSS, JS
CSS Pre-processor: None
JS Pre-processor: None
HTML Pre-processor: Pug

24. Circular Calendar Display – CSS Calendars

A circular calendar and clock display, with and added weather and daily activity widget mock-ups.
Author: Matthew Juggins (mattjuggins)
Created on: September 22, 2016
Made with: Haml, SCSS, JS
CSS Pre-processor: SCSS
JS Pre-processor: None
HTML Pre-processor: Haml
Tags: calendar, circular, clock, ui, display

25. React Date Range Picker

Date picker in React, you can select a range of dates.
Author: Rob Vermeer (RobVermeer)
Created on: August 27, 2016
Made with: Pug, SCSS, Babel
CSS Pre-processor: SCSS
JS Pre-processor: Babel
HTML Pre-processor: Pug
Tags: datepicker, react, daterange, calendar, date

26. Calendar In ReactJs

Calendar using ReactJs (beginner level), idea from @AJALACOMFORT modified by me
Author: Ricardo Barbosa (RicardoBarbosa)
Created on: August 11, 2016
Made with: HTML, CSS, Babel
Tags: reactjs calendar

27. Date And Time Picker

Date and time picker directive
Author: Jarom Vogel (jaromvogel)
Created on: May 5, 2016
Made with: HTML, SCSS, JS
Tags: timepicker, datepicker, date, time, calendar

28. Calendar App

This is a calendar application. It allows for browsing dates and selecting individual dates. You can schedule events on future days.
Author: Joey Lea (ovdojoey)
Created on: May 29, 2016
Made with: HTML, CSS, JS
Tags: calendar, web-app, dates

29. JQuery Datepicker Summer Vibe

Simple styling of the jQuery UI Datepicker. Image credit to:
Author: Håvard Brynjulfsen (havardob)
Created on: May 13, 2016
Made with: HTML, SCSS, JS
Tags: calendar, datepicker, ui

30. Calendar And Clock

Author: mselmany (mselmany)
Created on: February 17, 2014
Made with: HTML, CSS, JS
Tags: clock, animation, calendar, dribbble

31. CSS-only Colorful Calendar Concept

Author: David Khourshid (davidkpiano)
Created on: November 6, 2015
Made with: HTML, SCSS
Tags: animated, calendar, transforms, mobile

32. Calendar

Author: Mark (xmark)
Created on: November 8, 2015
Made with: HTML, Less, JS
Tags: calendar, javascript, dates

33. Responsive Flexbox Calendar W/ Retina Images

One month from the dynamic calendar for my site. Uses flexbox to arrange calendar dates and HiDPI images (with w descriptor) for article images; also uses a vanilla JavaScript version of my sequential image fade-in script. Complete explanatory article
Author: Dudley Storey (dudleystorey)
Created on: August 30, 2015
Made with: HTML, SCSS, JS
Tags: calendar dates flexbox retina

34. Calendario

A Flexible Calendar Plugin
Author: Romswell Roswell Parian Paucar (romswellparian)
Created on: March 23, 2015
Made with: HTML, CSS, JS
Tags: calendar, jquery

35. Bootstrap Compatable Calendar

incomplete; bootstrap calendar
Author: Bill Barry (bbarry)
Created on: September 16, 2014
Made with: HTML, Less, JS

36. Event Calendar Widget

A nice looking calendar with nice transistions.
Author: Paul Navasard (peanav)
Created on: February 1, 2014
Made with: HTML, CSS, JS
Tags: calendar, events, helvetica

37. Calendar

Calendar I made for a little project.
Author: B8bop (B8bop)
Created on: September 5, 2013
Made with: HTML, CSS, JS
Tags: calendar, flat

38. Tear Off Calendar

Tear off calendar made with Vanilla Javascript.
Author: Nikita Hlopov (nikitahl)
Created on: January 19, 2019
Made with: HTML, Less, Babel
Tags: css, javascript, tear, off, calendar

39. CSS-only Calendar App Concept

Another Dribbble rework of an original shot by Sergey Valiukh. Chrome and Safari only, for now.
Author: David Khourshid (davidkpiano)
Created on: December 13, 2014
Made with: HTML, SCSS, Babel

40. Calendar

Simple calendar.
Author: Miro Karilahti (miroot)
Created on: October 8, 2013
Made with: HTML, CSS
Tags: css3, hover, flat, pure-css, calendar

41. CSS 3D Calendar

Here is a CSS 3D Calendar. The calendar works great on Firefox, Chrome and Safari. This downgrades gracefully for older browsers and IE.
Author: Jahirul Islam Razu (Jir)
Created on: July 15, 2018
Made with: HTML, CSS, JS
Tags: css-3d-calendar

42. Calendar Widget

Inspired from “Calendar Widget ll Freebie” by Hanna Jung Dribble here: Thanks for the great design work.
Author: Ciprian Ionescu (ciprianionescu)
Created on: August 29, 2015
Made with: Haml, SCSS, JS
CSS Pre-processor: SCSS
JS Pre-processor: None
HTML Pre-processor: Haml
Tags: calendar, dribble, widget, material

43. Calendar

A coded up version of the calendar from this shot:
Author: Mark Eriksson (Markshall)
Created on: June 3, 2020
Made with: HTML, SCSS
Tags: css, html, calendar, widget, codepen

44. Interactive Calendar Prototype (HTML + CSS)

Credits to Jorge Mendes
Author: Kyle McCurley (kmccurley)
Created on: May 21, 2020
Made with: HTML, CSS
Tags: calendar

45. CSS-only Colorful Calendar Concept – CSS Calendars

Based on a Dribbble by Kirill and Ludmila Shevchenko. Made for #CodeVember.
Author: David Khourshid (davidkpiano)
Created on: November 6, 2015
Made with: HTML, SCSS
Tags: animated, calendar, transforms, mobile

46. Calendar Days DaysCSS – CSS Calendars

Author: Ron Pelt (Peltos)
Created on: April 23, 2020
Made with: Pug, SCSS
CSS Pre-processor: SCSS
JS Pre-processor: None
HTML Pre-processor: Pug
Tags: 70, calendar, 100dayscss, css, agenda

47. Calendar – CSS Calendars

Author: Xavi (Xavi1312)
Created on: April 17, 2020
Made with: HTML, SCSS
Tags: calendar, bemm, sass

48. Date Picker With Click & Drag – CSS Calendars

David Khourshid and Stephen Shaw create a click & drag date picker to answer a viewer question about event tracking.
Author: @keyframers (keyframers)
Created on: January 13, 2020
Made with: HTML, SCSS, JS
Tags: keyframers, calendar, date-picker, input, drag

Conclusion for CSS calendars code and Demo

Hope this code and post will help you implement the CSS calendars code and Demo. if you need any help or any feedback give it in the comment section or if you have a good idea about this post you can give it in the comment section. Your comment will help us to help you more and improve us.

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