
Angular Material DateTimePicker – angular-material-datetimepicker demo

Angular Material DateTimePicker – angular-material-datetimepicker demo

In this post we will show you how to implement Angular Material DateTimePicker with demo and source code for implement Material DateTimePicker for Angularjs.

Angularjs Material DateTimePicker, an Android style date-time picker, with capacity to impair set of constant or non-nonstop date sets.Some fundamental functionalities are:

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Angular Material DateTimePicker Conditions

Relies on upon the accompanying library for Angular Material DateTimePicker:

Angular Material DateTimePicker for Installing via Bower

bower install extended-datetimepicker

Angular Material DateTimePicker for Installing via Npm

npm install extended-datetimepicker

Angular Material DateTimePicker for Add the plugin module as a dependency to over Angular modulemyDateTimePickerModule:

angular.module('myDateTimePickerModule', [
//other dependencies ignored

This plugin exposes a directive that ought to be used as associate degree attribute for associate degree input part. The directive is mdc-datetime-picker. associate degree example of this is often given below:

<!-- Display Timepicker Only -->
<md-input-container flex-gt-md="30">
<!-- Display Timepicker label -->
<label>Display Timepicker Only</label>
<!-- Display Timepicker seet value -->
<input mdc-datetime-picker date="false" time="true" type="text" id="time" short-time="true"
format="hh:mm a"
Name Type Description
ok-text String Text for the OK catch (default: OK)
ng-model (String|Date|Moment) Initial Date or model to appoint the date to
cancel-text String Text for the drop catch (default: Cancel)
time Boolean true => Has Timepicker (default: true)
format String MomentJS Format,defaults to HH:mm for time picker just, YYYY-MM-DD for date picker just and YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm for both timepicker and date picker
min-date (String|Date|Moment) Minimum selectable date
short-time Boolean true => Display 12 hours AM|PM
max-date (String|Date|Moment) Maximum selectable date
date Boolean true => Has Datepicker (default: true)
disable-dates Date[] Dates to be handicapped or not selectable by user.

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